Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Life Plan After High School

I have always been good at arguing. If I do get into an argument, I don't quit till I know I've won, or at least gave it my all. That is one reason that I would like to be an attorney. I know a lot of people hate them, but the law interests me. Not gonna lie, the big bucks interests me too, but more so the actual law part of it. For the longest time, I wanted to be a lawyer. 

Actually, as a child, my big dream was to go off to college on a scholarship and be merry and happy and get my degree. Now, as a soon-to-be junior in high school, I know that going away isn't as sweet as it seems. I went to a leadership summit last month, stayed in the dorms for 4 nights, and I HATED IT. Now I know for sure that I don't want to go away. There is a college not even 15 minutes from my house, it's the local university. No, it is not prestigious or anything like that, but it isn't out of state, and I can live at home. That's probably saving my single, working mother about $20,000. 

Now it isn't that I lowered my goals, it's just that I have become more realistic. I scored a 23 on the ACT at the beginning of my sophomore year without studying, and if I can score a 27, I can get a full ride to my local school. A FULL RIDE for only a 27! Listen, a degree is a degree. I could get my bachelors degree from Harvard and it would still be the same degree. Also, I am not about to put my mom and even myself into huge debt. 

Anyway, all I want is to be an attorney, and quite frankly, I don't care where the Pre-Law degree comes from as long as I get it. If I can save tons of money by staying at home the first 4 years of college, I'm gonna do it. I'll always hear the people say, "Well you can pay back your student loans when you get your career started with all the money you'll be making!" or "Why would you wanna stay in this town? Get out while you still can." but it wont affect me. I will have more opportunity to get out by staying and saving my money. 

That is basically all for tonight, I had a busy day today and was not been able to blog earlier. So I will end this with a goodnight.

Until Tomorrow,
Alaina xo

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Another Post?

Okay, I could not help myself. Since it is almost midnight, I can actually talk about my day. I did nothing today :-)))) Literally. I sat in my house all day. I didn't even get in my car once. The only time I went outside was to let my dogs out. interesting, am I right? It is summer. I am on summer vacation. This is how I spend it most of the time. On to something more interesting.

I just got back from Myrtle Beach with one of my friends. It was a great! We went for 6 days, and that will probably be the highlight of my summer, because so far I'm not going anywhere else.

Wow I really do not know where this post is going, I just felt like writing, though. One of those late night feels I guess. I'm not too sure what to talk about, either. I'm just sitting here with my laptop open staring at the screen.

I guess I could talk about my boyfriend, that's something I usually like to talk about. This coming Christmas Eve will make 3 years together. He's my best friend. I've never met someone as incredible as him. I know that's sappy, but it is true. He is pretty cool if you ask me.

Now I am tired and now I shall sleep. Goodnight.

Until Tomorrow,
Alaina xo

Baby's First Blog Post

Well here it is, my first blog post. I guess I could start off by saying the whole point of this blog. Honestly, the "purpose" of this blog isn't quite clear to me yet. I like to write, I have a life, so I guess this will be a blog about my life or anything else that pops into my head. I'm not a fashionista (although I do wish I was), not a chef, not a celebrity gossiper, not any of those things. This blog won't follow guidelines such as those, I guess. If I find something cool or interesting, I'll post. If it is a rainy Sunday and I'm not doing much of anything, I'll post. 
Anyway, this is just a blog about my life. If you somehow find it interesting, stay tuned. I plan to post everyday. 
Until tomorrow,
Alaina xo